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Enlightened Self-Interest: A Win-Win Approach to Life

The Power of Enlightened Self-Interest: A Win-Win Approach to Life

Have you ever heard the term “Enlightened Self-interest”?

If not, let’s make it simple. Think about self-interest, it means putting yourself first in such possible situations. However, it might seem a negative term. Do you think self-interest has a negative connotation? Can this word lose its meaning if you put it in a different group perspective? Self-interest may sound like a negative concept at first glance, but enlightened self-interest is an essential part of personal development. When examined carefully, we can see that most people proceed in line with their own interests, but in order to be enlightened and self-interested, we need to talk about a situation of self-interest where everyone should win and no one should lose.

What is Self Interest?

Enlightened self-interest is when a person acts by taking his own interests into consideration and everyone benefits from this situation in a positive way. This example is made by Jim Rohn. On the other hand, What do you think about the term enlightened self-interest, which we will use frequently in this article, and which is the title of our article? Enlightened self-interest on its own may seem to represent a negative expression, but it is quite the opposite. It is an essential part of self-development. Let’s just dive into the topic.

The Power of Enlightened Self-Interest: A Win-Win Approach to Life

We are human beings, our first interest is to survive, how can we survive? Our second interest is to succeed, how can we achieve our goals? The third question is can we both survive and succeed at something? The answer is quite easy, yes, we can both survive and thrive. However, there is one thing we should note, while pursuing our interests, we should not harm anyone instead rather help people because this is what enlightened self-interest represents; everyone wins and nobody loses.

The key sentence is, “Life gives us what we deserve, not what we need.” That proverb comes to our mind, “You reap what you sow.” If we can get things, we need to keep in mind that we get them not because we need them, but because we deserve them. In order to realize our desires and wishes, the first thing we need to do is to be in a position to deserve and obtain them. Everyone has needs, but if only a minority can meet these needs, it is possible to deduce that the need is not enough.

Enlightened Self-Interest

“If you keep knocking, you will find open doors.

“If you keep knocking, you will find open doors.” says a key phrase from the Bible. The meaning of the doors here is the doors of luck, the door of a chance to meet someone, the door of a chance to join a community, the door to knock to find someone special, the door to knock to find a special business partner. Knocked doors will continue to open for those who keep knocking. We find open doors not because we need them, but because we deserve them, it is important to keep this in mind. Those who constantly try and keep knocking on doors will meet with luck. To find anything you need, you must first search for it, you can put it anywhere in life and give it meaning. Those in need start searching after a while because just searching is not enough to find, it is also necessary to search to deserve it.

I suggest you note this, “I want to start the process of deserving”, for example, health status, a healthy relationship, deserving of starting an initiative… To deserve something we have to do something for it, just like a lottery draw… Participating in the lottery draw You pay a fee for this fee and this is the step that starts your entitlement process. Everyone needs a lottery prize, but only those who take steps for it are qualified to win it. However, it is possible to reverse this process of deserving learning, which begins at home with children asking their parents for money, as follows. “I need 10 bucks.” Instead of saying “How can I earn 10 bucks?” Earning 10 bucks this way is much healthier than earning 10 bucks by asking the first question. Needs and searches…

Enlightened Self-Interest


We will have needs in every period of our lives, and we will deserve them each time, not because we need them, but because we take steps for them and seek to obtain them. It is also possible to attribute this to our thinking system. We reap what we sow, no matter how bad the system we are in, all we have to do is constantly knock on doors, this way we will increase our chances even more, and this way we will find open doors. Instead of melting our own power and energy day by day, on the contrary, we will inflame them even more so that we can continue to find open doors. Thank you for reading. See you in the next article…


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