The literal meaning of the word success is the accomplishment of a certain action within a certain period of time. Success also means achieving any goal. This goal can be a large project or a single component of a project. Nowadays, we hear the names of many successful people, whether local or foreign, and even follow some of them better than our family members. Many successful people have made many definitions and written books about the term success. Although all the statements of successful people come to the same conclusion, sometimes we can feel alone on the road to success. In this article, we have included many quotes about success and its components from people who have been successful in many fields. Have a good read, dear reader.

Quotes About Success
Your mind is your greatest weapon, always keep it loaded.
One must either undergo discipline or suffer the pain of regret.
The pain of discipline is light and its success is great. The result of regret is failure, and the pain is heavy.
I never lost a match; There just wasn’t enough time for me to win.
Looking too far ahead and thinking about the end may cause you to lose the match.
“My father wasn’t around when I was a kid. I always ask myself “Why me? Why don’t I have a father?” I would ask. As I grew up and was able to look at the situation more deeply, I thought like this. “I don’t know what my father is going through, but if he had been with us all the time, would I be the person I am today?”
– Lebron James

Critics are always right. The only way to silence them is to win.
Life is meaningless anyway, when you look at it from the beginning. At least have something beautiful inside you, something that you enjoy, something that makes you feel magnificent, and something that helps you unite with the universe as a human being.
I had to be successful in order to make people listen to what I had to say.
If what you did yesterday still seems big to you today, then you haven’t done anything today.
If you are first, you are at first place, if you are second, you are nothing!
The mark of sportsmanship is not how good you are at your best, but how good you are at your worst.
There may be someone more talented than you, but you have no excuse for someone who works harder than you.

Everyone wants to be Michael Jordan one day, and I have to be Michael Jordan every day.
At the core of the matter is selfishness. If you want to be successful you have to be selfish.
If moldy bread makes penicillin, you could do something as well.
Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
I doubt myself. I think it’s good to doubt in life.
I only think of two things about people who don’t doubt themselves: They’re either arrogant or unintelligent.
Once you learn to give up, it becomes a habit.
Just like in the zoological world; You either adapt or you go extinct.
(Calling out to the player who could only score a single point throughout the game:) You scored one more point than a dead man!
It’s a strange situation; The more I practice, the luckier I get.
The only difference between life and chess is this: The game continues after checkmate!
Bragging about your success may not bring happiness, but no one who caught a big fish ever went home down an alley.
Sometimes you learn from a book. Sometimes you learn from training for hours. Sometimes you are so ashamed of something that you know you will never do it again.
Winning is everything.

When you come second, the only people who remember you are your wife and your dog.
If you think lifting weights is dangerous, try being weak. The real danger is remaining powerless.
If you stand still, you can only go one way: Backward!
Thank you for reading.
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