Gumroad itself has an absurd meaning when Gum and Road words are examined with their meaning. Gumroad is an entreprise founded in America about 10 years ago. If you have a product or a service, you can sell on this platform without any entry costs. In a possible situation, you will have to open a WordPress website, create a landing page and promote your product, and dealing with payment methods to sell your product is a completely different waste of time. Gumroad combines all of these works and presents them to content producers. The only duty of content producers and salespeople is to sell their products. In summary, we can say that Gumroad’s CEO Sahil Lavingia is getting closer to his goal of becoming a billion-dollar company, which he dreamed of when he started this enterprise. Here are other details about Gumroad.

When Gumroad is founded?
Gumroad is an enterprise founded by an entrepreneur named Sahil Lavingia in San Francisco, California, USA. The main purpose of this project, which started on April 7, 2011, is to help content producers who want to sell products or services directly to customers. Gumroad’s content producers are writers, comedians, film directors, and musicians. This platform, which can serve physical products as well as digital content, receives a small commission from each sale made by content producers.
Does Gumroad have Premium membership?
Gumroad has only a free membership. In fact, if you are just promoting and selling your product, In the free membership type, 10% of the price of the product you sell will be deducted.
Gumroad Founder Sahil Lavingia
Let’s talk a little about Gumroad founder and CEO Sahil. Sahil was a 19-year-old software developer and design developer working at Pinterest. When he first got the idea for Gumroad, he resigned and started looking for investors for this venture. This startup, which received 1.1 million dollars of investment from angel investors in its first investment round, has gone through difficult times in 10 years. Failures have a big place in the great success of Gumroad, which went through bad times when 75% of the company was laid off in order to keep this enterprise alive.

Gumroad has a user-friendly login page. You can become a member of this website in just a few seconds from the login page, sell your product or service, or buy the products of other content producers. On this website, which has a content discovery called Gumroad Discover, content producers pay more commission on this sale if their products are discovered and sold through Discover.
I do not have any products, what should I do?
Don’t you have a product or service of your own? Do not worry about it! Gumroad content producers can increase their sales by giving a special link to their products to anyone who wants to become a salesperson. Digital marketing is a term familiar to people who are interested in social media marketing, so you can get an Affiliate link from the owner of the content. For sales you make with this special link, you can receive a fee equal to the commission rate determined by the content producer for you. Let’s say you are promoting a $20 product! The amount you will receive after purchasing this product is 50%, if you make a sale you will receive $10 in your account! In this case, you are exempt from the commission to be paid to Gumroad. It may make more sense for you to sell other people’s products by getting an Affiliate link before becoming a content creator.

If you were Sahil, would you leave your current job at Pinterest for this venture at the age of 19? If we look at where Gumroad has come, I can almost hear you saying yes. But believe me, 95% of people in the world would ignore this idea. This opinion of ours is based on statistics, of course. Gumroad’s ups and downs must explain entrepreneurship quite clearly. Entrepreneurship has a different dynamic than traditional, classical education. If you think you too have a good thought in your mind, start doing something. You will not regret it (if you work well enough)!