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What is Voscreen? Learn English!

English Learning Tool; Voscreen

English language learning starts at a very young age in some developed and developing countries in the world. Students start taking English language courses starting from elementary school onwards and this journey lasts a couple of years, ending with high-school life. Although we expect an average person to learn a language for approximately a significant part of their lives, unfortunately our expectations do not come true. However, assuming that education begins when we first open our eyes, not at school, I would like to introduce you an application. This application called Voscreen brings scenes from TV series and movies with the audience and asks users about the details of the conversation mentioned in these sections. Here are more details we found about this application…

English Learning Tool; Voscreen

What is Voscreen?

Voscreen is a free application that shares video clips from some movies, TV series, songs, cartoons and documentaries. What makes this application unique is that something is expressed in each section and users are asked to find the correct equivalent of this expression. After any section you watch in Voscreen, you will see two options and you need to indicate which of these two options is correct. Through this way Voscreen, helps users to learn English in a fun way. Voscreen’s benefits for listening and pronunciation for non-native English learners are not invisible.

English Learning Tool; Voscreen

Logging into the application is very simple. You can sign up with your Facebook, Google accounts or any email address. Another metric requested from you when registering is your native language. After choosing your native language, you can watch videos and start earning points.

There are 5 main categories in the Voscreen application. These categories are in order; voscreen Life, voStep, voKids, voRhythm, voStructure categories. Within these main categories, sections have been prepared according to people’s language levels and differing sentence structure. Language levels are listed from beginner to advanced level. Voscreen application was selected as the 3rd best educational application by Wharton Business School in 2016. In addition, there are several academic studied on the impact of Voscreen on people and a classification of the application in the education category of biggest app markets in the world.

English Learning Tool; Voscreen

Content of the Application

You can view video clips by just clicking the play button after selecting the appropriate category and English level you wish to watch the video clip. Even though the video clip has ended, you can play the video clip from the beginning again to listen to the dialogue in the section again. In order to accurately match the dialogue in the video, the application gives users a time proportional to the length of the video. If you do not understand the video clip even though you replay it, the application offers you the dialogue in the video in written form, and this feature helps you reach the correct conclusion more easily.

Playlist Section of Voscreen

Imagine, you signed up to the application and start using it, you saw a video clip and suddenly liked it or it is a famous video clip on the net. If you want to save them to your database to somehow watch it later or just collect them in a playlist. Don’t worry, you can gather all of your favorite clips under a playlist and it can be viewed whenever you would like to watch them!

If you want to get motivated, you can always see your rank among all the users who are practicing on Voscreen. Such as, as you see in the picture below it is possible to earn more points and outrace thousands of people!

English Learning Tool; Voscreen

Thank you for reading.

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